Tuesday 17 April 2012

Aujourdhui Chez Vievie

J'espere que vous avez eu un bon weekend! Hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Mine, well.... sometimes things don't go as planned. I still don't have a camera bar the one on my phone but I thought I would still share my latest purchases with you.  If you've been here before you know I am mad about second-hand/charity shops so these won't come as a surprise.  Neither will my eBay purchases!

Shopping is as close to sports as I get and when you get a new pair of heels with an original price tag of €125 and you only pay €15, that's what I call a serious SCORE!
Merci Oxfam for my beautiful Precis heels! As the lovely little old lady in the shop said "You couldn't find heels in this colour if you were looking for them!"
Well, now I won't have to look for the heels, just the right occasion to wear them :)

Bad picture I know! Just think of it as a dream like vision. It's a shame I couldn't get a better picture as this navy blue silk dress (€6) is simply lovely.  Never mind the LBD, it's the LNBD for me this summer!

A sneak peek of a photo size of my studded clutch bag. It was Penny's clutch and as a rule I don't buy second-hand Penny's as it's cheap enough as it is but this bran new little clutch was €1 and untouched so at times exceptions to the rules must be made!

At my local charity shop I found this fantastic leather skirt from Oasis. Only €4! SCORE! It's so soft and buttery, I can't wait to find the right occasion for it!  I'd spotted a few leather skirts recently but all were too short. Leather can look tough or cheap and at 31 years of age with three kids, a leather mini skirt is definitely veering towards cheap! This pencil knee length is edgy but classy and will last forever!  Finding what you want in a charity shop can be a waiting game but if your patient and check your local shops regularly your bound to get it eventually and the feeling is all the better for the wait!

I've featured these before in one of my previous post:Baby Boutique but I actually bought them. Six pairs to be exact (two for each of my boys).  They come in loads of colours and are so soft and light! I just got mine in the post yesterday and can't wait for the warmer weather.  At about €3 a pair & 100 Indian cotton, you can't go wrong! Check them out: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170809420751

I love old fashioned looking clothes for kids.  I dress my boys as close to a modern little Lord Fauntleroy as I can get away with! Found these gorgeous leather sandals for less than €20 including shipping!  My 2 year old loves them and wore them around the house all day yesterday! They come in a few different styles and colours: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251038392589 

Last but not least I treated myself to Stephen Sondheim's Into The Woods. A recording of the live production starring a brilliant cast. I first saw it as school on one of those afternoons when your teacher has had enough and can't be bothered to teach anything so she 'treats' you to a Friday afternoon movie instead.  Well it really was a treat and I've loved it ever since.  I saw the real show in Toronto and blab on about it to anyone who likes musicals.  If your ever in New York, treat yourself to it if it's on. You will not be disappointed! It's a tough one to get on a Region 2 DVD but I finally found it, for a price on Play.com . The kids are gonna love this!

Passer une bonne Journée! Have a nice day :)
Vievie Xx

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