Tuesday 3 January 2012

Look du Jour

It's Tuesday, my hubby is back at work and there is so much laundry I've had to create categories & sub-categories to maintain a sense of order! Today may be about housework but the outfit doesn't have to be!  Had a lovely weekend with friends and family and since we were invited out I didn't have to cook for the whole weekend! Yupee!  
I love the new year as I get to start a whole new agenda! I've had one every year since I was 12 and I've tried pretty much all formats under the sun.  This year I'm using this one:
 I've had Moleskin diaries for the past 4 years but this one is Irish and has all the important numbers and maps of all the major cities and I like supporting local so this little blue number will do me just fine for 2012!
Tune in Thursday as I've spotted loads of great little bargains on eBay you won't know what you want most! A demain! (See you tomorrow!) Vievie Xx

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